Massive stroke
Massive stroke

massive stroke

Physical, occupational, and speech therapy may be included, as well as psychological counseling. The way you are cared for following a stroke includes treatments and exercises to restore function or help people relearn skills. A wire tube, or stent, may be left in place to help keep the artery open. Through the phenomenon of neuroplasticity, healthy areas of the brain can take over the functions damaged by stroke. Fortunately, the brain has an innate ability to heal itself after injury, even large injuries like a massive stroke. Rehabilitation may be prolonged, so it is important that you get as much information as you can. Recovery after a hemicraniectomy takes time and patience. Many stroke survivors experience significant recovery after a hemicraniectomy is performed to reduce edema.

massive stroke

Then the balloon is inflated, opening the narrowed artery. Massive stroke recovery revolves around healing the brain to restore function in the body. A stroke can cause short-term consequences that require urgent medical intervention. A small tube with a balloon attached is threaded into the narrowed or blocked blood vessel. Carotid stenting can remove a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain.Carotid artery surgery, also called carotid endarterectomy (en-dar-tuh-REK-tuh-mee) removes buildups of fat inside the artery and restores blood flow to the brain.Several options for surgical treatment of blocked blood vessels are available. That's why it's important to call 9-1-1 if you're having symptoms. However, family members and medical staff can help promote recovery from coma by providing sensory stimulation through activities such as talking with the patient. "Clot-busting" drugs must be given within hours after a stroke to minimize damage. What is a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) For many people, a TIA is a warning sign that a person is at higher risk of a major stroke. Individuals who’ve experienced massive strokes, hemorrhagic strokes, or brainstem strokes are more likely to fall into a coma. A stroke, sometimes called a ' brain attack,' occurs when blood flow to an area in the brain is cut off.

Massive stroke